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"Hova Run With Dolly Parton," Limp Wrist, issue 7, 2022


"The Green," Hobart, August, 2020 (videopoem version: )


Ode to My Sink Moths,” Homology Lit, issue 4, 2019 

To the Person I Was Then, Living in Someone Else’s House,“ Lambda Literary Poetry

Spotlight, 2019

“After the Angel of Ginsberg’s Whitman,” and “Sticks., Stay Thirsty Poets, vol. 1, 2019


“I,” Shift - A Journal of Literary Oddities, issue 1, 2019


"Animatronic Armful of Groceries." Carve Magazine. Fall, 2018.


"Q&A." Carve Magazine. November, 2018.

"Bible Student Burns New York Church." Crab Fat Magazine August, 2018.

"A Timely Voice: Conflict is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair by Sarah Schulman.” American Book Review, May-June 2018


"The Things They Said." Queer Me Out Zine. 2018


"Sissy Blood.Glass: A Journal of Poetry. 2016.

"Bridge," "Convalesce," "Ina Coolbrith Park," and "Rain." Emerge: A Lambda Fellows Anthology. 2016.

"No Man Is An Island Except St. John of Patmos." Off the Rocks Anthology. Vol. 19. 2015.

“#ididnoteatallthepistachios,” “Loretta,” and “Percocet.” Guide to Kulchur Creative Journal, Issue 4. 2015.

New Hampshire.” Right Hand Pointing, Issue 87. 2015.

“Communion of Suffering,” and “Please Excuse This Sex Poem.” Penumbra Art and Literary Journal. 2015.

“A Boy Named _______,” and “On Your Thirtieth Birthday,” Glitterwolf Magazine, Issue 8. 2015.

Sky Ward by Kazim Ali.” Puerto del Sol, Vol. 49, No. 2, Spring 2014.

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